

rujak serutRujak Serut, freshly shredded young mango, cucumber, sweet potatoes mix with coconut sugar, tamarind water and chili.









AsinanAsinan Jakarta, sweet, sour, spicy vegetable, and fruit salad which have mango, pineapple, carrot, preserved mustard leaf, sweet potatoes, cabbage, daikon, jicama, peanut and chili. It comes with krupuk, a traditional crispy cracker.








Bake Banana CrepeBaked Banana Crepe, Banana and chocolate wrapped with crepe like and bake until crispy in the outside.






sus makerSus maker, an Indonesian smooth and golden sponge cake delight in muffin size tins filled with a savory surprise consisting of creamy chicken ragout in the middle.








KleponKlepon, traditional rice cake with green pandan leave flavor filled with melted palm sugar rolled in grated coconut.










KolakKolak, casava and plantain cooked with palm sugar and coconut milk










Biji SalakBiji Salak










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